The Eighth Note – Dmitry Dobrynin´s Rock Program (Radio Show)
«The Eighth Note» is the program presented by Dmitry Dobrynin, it goes on the air on Thursday at 21:10 on the Radio Russia waves.
This transmission is a successor of another program entitled “Music On Fridays” presented by Dmitry Dobrynin in the past. The rock and metal musicians come to the studio, tell about their creative work and their bands’ latest releases and projects. Usually the guests of the Eighth Note are the Russian musicians but some emissions present the interviews with the foreign bands (e.g. Edguy, Rage, Royal Hunt, etc.). Sometimes the musicians arrive with their musical instruments. The choice of their instruments is not limited by the electric guitars; they also bring bass guitars and use their vocals (Sergey Mavrin, Valeriy Gaina, Dmitriy Varshavskiy, etc.). The musicians also give on the air their master classes, and share their advices with the beginners. The programs have been in original way developed by presenting of the famous concerts and live records of the bands’ shows. But the program regularly returns to the classical emissions. Once for half a year Dmitry Dobrynin summarizes the past six months, and repeats the most interesting moments of the previous emissions. The topics of the interviews are very different. In the recent programs the guests regularly answered the questions concerning musical piracy (in particular spreading of music via Internet) and concerning their choice in favor of the physical or virtual bearers of information.