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Dear Friends,
On the threshold of the upcoming holidays – February 23rd (Defender of the Fatherland Day) and March 8 (International Women’s Day) we offer you to participate in the photo competition on our web-site. Upon the results of these contest two winners – the Metal King and the Metal Queen will be chosen. We are sure that many of our listeners do not limit themselves only by listening to rock and metal music. To belong completely to this music world many of you create special images with the help of clothes, make-up and by other means. If you have this kind of photos where you are presented in interesting, unusual, bright and distinctive appearance connected with the world of rock and metal music – during a concert, at home, in the open air – or in any other aspect, please place such photos on our web-site. Our listeners will choose the winners of this competition by voting. We ask you to be correct and polite while commenting the photos. Consider that different people have different opinions. The listeners which will get the most of you votes will be named as the Metal King and the Metal Queen. We will summarize the results of this competition after March 8th and will inform you about them in one of our programs. You may place you photos with the help of the form situated below. You may vote with the help of the "+" and "-" buttons.
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Nina 30.01.2013 11:02
Я и Череп,
Не бойся: я - простая кость;
Не думай о душе угасшей.
Живых голов ни дурь, ни злость
Не изойдут из этой чаши.
Я жил, как ты, любил и пил.
Теперь я мертв - налей полнее!
Не гадок мне твой пьяный пыл,
Уста червя куда сквернее.
Быть винной чашей веселей,
Чем пестовать клубок червивый.
Питье богов, не корм червей,
Несу по кругу горделиво.
Где ум светился, ныне там,
Умы будя, сверкает пена.
Иссохшим в черепе мозгам
Вино - не высшая ль замена?
Так пей до дна! Быть может, внук
Твой череп дряхлый откопает -
И новый пиршественный круг
Над костью мертвой заиграет.
Что нам при жизни голова?
В ней толку - жалкая крупица.
Зато когда она мертва,
Как раз для дела пригодится.
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