News of Dmitry Dobrynin´s official website

Hell I Feel
В раздел Рок-Молодежь добавленна новая группа Hell I FeelComments(0) | Read more>>>

Друзья, В преддверии наступающих праздников 23 февраля и 8 Марта мы решили провести на нашем сайте фотоконкурс, во время которого будут выбраны два победителя Metal King и Metal Queen. Подробности здесьComments(49) | Read more>>>

Grammy 2013
The 55th Grammy Awards Ceremony will be held On February 10, 2013. The following bands and musicians are nominated in the Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance field for the 55th Annual GRAMMY Awards:«I’m Alive» — Anthrax
«Love Bites (So Do I)» — Halestorm
«Blood Brothers» — Iron Maiden
«Ghost Walking» — Lamb of God
«No Reflection» — Marilyn Manson
«Whose Life (Is It Anyways?)» — Megadeth
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A work moment in the studio
A new video is added to our web-site, you can see it here.Please, don't forget to leave your comments.
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Happy New Year! 2013
You can see New Year congratulations by Dmitry Dobrynin in the Video Section.Comments(1) | Read more>>>

New Year comes soon!
31 декабря 2012 года в эфир выйдет праздничный выпуск программы "Прицел".У Вас есть уникальная возможность поздравить своих близких и всех слушателей программы с наступающим Новым Годом и сделать музыкальный подарок. Запишите свое поздравление в формате mp3 и прикрепите его к своему сообщению в разделе "Оставить заявку".Comments(1) | Read more>>>

Sound requirement
Good news for all the listeners of Dmitry Dobrynin’s Rock Programs! Now you can send us not only your written requirement but also make it as a sound file in mp3 format. Please, record your request in mp3 format and just attach it to your message into the section “Submit a requirement”. The received requirements will surely sound in one of Dmitry Dobrynin’s Rock Programs.Comments(2) | Read more>>>

Now you can receive all the latest news of our web-site directly to your e-mail.Comments(10) | Read more>>>

We are glad to inform you that a mini-chat has just appeared on our web-site. It is situated in a separate small window. You can move it to any place on the site for it would not disturb you. You can also close it by clicking on the X. To return a mini-chat to your screen it will be enough to press the “mini-chat” button which will appear on the left side in the middle when you close the chat. Be pleased to communicate.Comments(3) | Read more>>>

On Air
Good News! Now you can listen to our rock programs broadcasted live again.Comments(2) | Read more>>>

New website
Here it is, a day of rebirth, to be more precise a day when our website is repainted!We have tried to do a new website not only to be more beautiful but more comfortable. A new design and a new functionality were created. We removed some sections which proved not to be popular. We hope that you will appreciate our work.
Welcome to our new website!
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